Hi there! Thanks for visiting my website. Those that have been here before may have noticed a bit of a change: I restructured the site to be more like a blog, allowing me to post content about the things I work on and am interested in, and be able to share things with whoever wants to hear it.

I decided to make this blog because I wanted a place to discuss the things I am interested in, and I wanted to share my knowledge with others. I felt that this would be a good place to show off my programming and GIS skills, that I could look back on to remember things, and also see what I have learned and where I’ve come from.

The content of the posts on this website will likely vary quite a lot, and may include

  • My photos and general updates about myself
  • Tutorials regarding GIS and geospatial tools
  • Map showcases and other data visualizations
  • Discussions or spotlights on useful FOSS projects

Take a look at my post about the Savory Island LIDAR Processing to see a write-up about LIDAR data processing using some point cloud data licensed under the Open Government License – British Columbia (available on the LidarBC Data Portal).

If you’re interested, stay tuned and I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments, links to my social accounts are on the homepage. Comment functionality will be added soon!

I don’t have any sort of email notification system or anything like that yet, but if you follow me on social media then I will be sure to share any new posts to keep you up to date.