QGIS 3.28 banner from qgis.org

QGIS Getting Started - Part 1 - Installation & Geospatial Basics

Part 1 covers installing QGIS and then goes through some definitions and theory of geospatial basics. I also discuss finding geospatial data, some of the licenses and Terms of Use attached to data found online, and a few common file formats that are used.

QGIS 3.28 banner from qgis.org

QGIS Getting Started - Introduction

A full tutorial for beginners that are interested in learning about QGIS, mapping, and geospatial data.

A collection of maps with the title #30DayMapChallenge


Introduction Hello! It is November, which means that it is the 30 Day Map Challenge 2022! GIS professionals, hobbyists, and general users of any skill are participating by creating maps with whatever software and data they have available. I will be trying to complete as many days as I can this month, and will be using QGIS for most of the maps I make. I will be using data from a variety of sources:...